JP Button(日本翻訳)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Everyone was Excited this morning as we weree expecting a Nid. Angle Knight, Noble Knights, Purpose, Perseverence and HNMPT were all there. Nid pops first window. I don't think anyone was ready for it. It stays yellow on my screen for the LONGEST TIME. My God, I have never seen a NM stay yellow for this long in such a crowded place.

Finally Perseverence gets it. I don't think they had enough people, but they were holding it pretty well. But they do something which I think was very disapointing. They teamed up with Genesis Union to kill it. Now they can team up with whoever they like, its their mob, thats right. But really I didn't understand why'd they have to team up with slime of slime, LS that MPKs everyone if they don't claim.

I guess they did what they had to. Congrats to them on the kill. The fight took just about an hour, any longer and it would have gone hyper. It dropped a E. Body. Would have been cool if it had gone to perseverence rather than GU. Good luck guys in the future!

That tail looks very juicy XD

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I was near the end of Dynamis Jeuno when Kenji sent me a /tell to /sea Korroloka Tunnel, HOLE COW CRAP! There were so many Gilsellers there it wasn't even funny. I decided to have a little "fun" with them. As soon as Dynamis ended I rushed to the Tunnel.

I remember Dowzer MPKing them with a Jammer Leech. I used his idea(Thanks Dowzer). I wasn't sure if he did it with one or more so I just brought all three. I could have just zoned to avoid death, but I didn't want to give them any time to run away.

One got away though. Bastard.

I didn't get as many as I wanted to. There were still many there. I think the rest were at the other side of the tunnel. After they died they all just HPed. Very easy way of getting the SOBs. Even right now they are still in the Tunnel. Come on people GO GO GO!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ISBC(Imperial Standing Burning Circle)

I did three of these the other night and they were very fun. Basically there are two(For the Jade atleast) that you can do, lv60 cap and uncapped. We did the 60 cap. The orb(Confidential Orders) requires 2,000 Imperial Standing.

The drops are pretty good. I think Chocobo egg drops 100%(we got 2/2) or very often. Other things that you can get include ore(we got some Adaman), scrolls(AM, Elegy, etc.) and misc medcines, lastly you can get some nice new gear. As for the uncapped one, I'm not sure what can drop from them, but I've read people getting Khroma ore and Dragon Talons. This will surely bring the wisket price down.

The lv60 capped fight involves a Colbari. It's not that hard of a fight. What you have to make sure to do is stay within its AOE. Tt uses Charm(AOE) and if one peoson doesn't get charmed he will die.

The first one we died and the other two went very well(we did some job changes and workout a few kinks, i.e. use CURE). It was a blast. I wish I could have done more, but some people had to go. I'd say the most fun moment was when Baja DCed in the middle and came back on while we were all charmed.You can see her running for her life here, but doesn't get very far, lol.

PICS when I get home

Thanks Cythe for inviting me to this fun event. Hope to do it more in the future, I'm hooked.
Congrats on your new Leech Sword.

PICS when i get home

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday Fafnir!
We are smoking this weekend. Been very lucky, got him both Saturday and Sunday. I guess only us and the LS Noble Knights(We are NOT related) camping had a lot to do with it. :p
I was a little disappointed because no one provoked a Darter :(
Next time I think I'll Dia it, hahaha. Kidding
I have some REALLY NICE shots for your enjoyment this time. Some of the best so far.

Wish another Ridill would drop :(

Congratulations to everybody on their items. Rhada just doesn't stop with the hacking. He got YET ANOTHR Fire Crystal.

And thats a rap for this weekend. Have a good week everybody!
Ero man RXKEN!

A friend of mine, Rxken is leveling Blue Mage and was having a hard time learning Healing Breeze. I joined them in Bubu.(They had no luck Altep). I suggested that Rily and I go Hand to Hand, feed the mob TP while doing the least amount of damage.

Our Plan worked and soon enough the Elve...err I mean Dhamel used Healing Breeze and Ken got it. Our good friend Siamese also came to join the fun ^^

Then Rxken and I hit up Valkrum Dunes so he could learn Sheep Song. This guy is on fire and learned it very fast.

I super PLed(sing songs and disband) him a bit after that and he cut through the Sheep and Bunnies like there was no tomorrow.

It was a fun morning. Rxken started to express some of his "inner" feelings.

私はあなたとの多くの楽しみをRxken、Rily and Siamese 有した。 青いマジックのお祝い。 よい友人である。