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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Nidhogg Strikes again

Today Nidhogg popped 1st. window. Perseverance got the bad boy. They were a bit short on members, no refeshers or many mages, but they did great. I had to step out for a while so I didn't get to the see the fight, but they brought it down and a E. Body dropped.

Congratulations to my friend Chronicles on the kick ass purple piece. That's 100% Hawtness right there.

Fabulous Friday Fafnir!

It has been almost 1 month now since we got Fafnir/Nidhogg claim. Today we finally did it. It popped first window and my man Loire got it for us! I got my share of the claim too, lol.

We claimed with only 9 people present.

Around 80% the rest of our guys came, all 3 of them, lol.
Some action shots:

The Final Angel Knight Blow(TFAKB)! Good bye Fafnir!

I know what you are thinking. I can hear your loud mouth brain, "oh get to the drops already." You clicked on my blog and I should show you the drops now? Well Fuck you very much here they are.

At first I was like, woah woah woah wait a second only 3 Fire Crystals dropped? That can't be right. A split second later the saw everything else load up on my screen. No Ridill though :( but lookie what we have here, Neptunal Abjuration: head.

I got the N. Head. Although I think a some others may have benefited from this more than me, but they were not present and Pharanx told me to lot. This is probably one of the few and rare cases of where a Thief got a N. Head before any other N. piece, so I am very grateful to my LS. Thank you AngelKnight for all the hard work.

Also congratulations to Yamasemi and Bramd!
Next up, saving money for Cursed Cap. lol, I r teh g1mp!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Proto-Omega #1

Having recently gained access to Al'Taieu access I joined a Limbus Linkshell, "UlimaUndressers(UU)." Thursday was my first run with them and we did the Proto-Omega fight.

Fight wasn't bad at all. Everyone who could, slept to 300% TP for Spirits Within. I did my part, but kinda screwed it up. lol. I'm such a noob.

A stack of Sleep pots down the drain. I'll get the bastard next time...

The fight itself was fun, not that exciting or challenging though. I hear Ultima is much harder so I am looking forward to that.

Drops were very good.

I think this was UU's first Omega's heart.
Congratulations to Osyris on the Legs. Vang on the Body and Starafur on the head.

That is Cix on the right side. He is such a cam whore :P

I really like limbus. It is fun to do, it is short and the rewards are outstanding. SE has really done a great job with it as compared to Dynamis. You can spend a year in Dynamis and not even see a particular AF2. Looking forward to more Limbus action and UU, they seem to be a good bunch of folks.

Zethren's Funnies!

I had this PT the other day with this guy who'll remain anonymous. He was the PT leader and our Ninja. He wasn't a bad ninja at all. It was just that he would loose focus of what was going on in the PT because of things like his linkshell "is talking about underage sex." Towards the end of the Party it happened again and I called him out on it. Very funny to try to watch him make himself look like the truthful guy. Notice he's just randomly pressing his TP macro without even looking at what is going on.

Next one is just plain Apathy gone wrong by Zander(75WHM), lol.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I am sorry for the lack of updates for the past week or so. The truth is nothing worthwhile has been going on. I got Black Mage to level 44 last night. Went from 41->44. Thanks to my good friend Raijun for the excellent party
I've progressed in COP very well. We got Sea access last week. It was very fun. I just have the PM8-3 and 8-4 left to do and then I get my Raja's Ring.
I have some cool shots for you. Enjoy!

This was a fun fight. There were 5 of these against us all. Not a bad fight at all. Just keep them out of BLM form and you're golden.

I was on bard and provided March and Mambo to our tank. It was cake. We used 3 CCBs at 60% 40% and 20%. No problems at all. It was like cheating

This one was a little harder than Omega. He had some nasty moves, but still we used the same strategy. Mambo&March on the NInja and CCBs at 60%, 40% and 20% HP.

I want to try these fights in the future again, but with a PLD tank and using not as many CCBs. That should be a better challenge and more fun. Seemed like we breezed through that BC very easily.

After the fight. Bahamut went ape shit and tried to kill us all with Mega Flare.

Tenzen saved everyone by absorbing the damage via his Samurai Sword. But it changed him and we would go ahead and fight in Chapter 7 of COP. Ofcourse we beat his ass.

Next up...

Which threw you in a strange place called "Al'Taieu." Also known as Sea. It is truly amazing to step foot there for the first time. It is kind of like Sky, most things don't aggro and the terrain is very nicely done.

Mission 8-1 is simply getting access to "Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi" via a bunch of pop ??? NM fights. PM8-2 was really a bitch. It took us like 4 hours to do it. Total pain in the ass and if things couldn't get any worse guess who came out looking for revenge because we were killing all the pots, Jailer of temperance lol. It was very funny. We died, but got right back up and kept moving.

Next week is 8-3 and hopefully we can kill the Final Boss the same day as well.