JP Button(日本翻訳)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I couldn't get to yesterday's Fafnir camp due to work, but I herd Nobleknights got it. And Guess what they got it again today too :( Managed to take some nice shots. Congrats to them.

Also had some fun with Garuda Prime today. Ryukage was afraid of tanking Garuda at first, but steped up the plate. He is a WAR/NIN and shivers at the tought of tanking. We won the fight, but its not a fight until Zethren dies!!

Invictus was in Sandoria today. Smooth run. Got some nice AFs
Congrats to Suavdok(RNG), Marx(BST,SMN), Maddash(DRG), Elleslar(PLD).

Friday, June 09, 2006

I've been camping Rose Garden for a few days now. Some dinkle berry always manages to come along and kill a PH. When I got home from work last night same thing, however I get the TOD and return early in the morning. Thinking someone prollyed killed it, but couldn't hurt to check. I get there and BAM! My little flower is blooming.

0/1 on him now. It is a rare drop, I wasn't expecting a 1/1. Fought as 67THF/NIN. He missed like hell, but when he hit me it was for 60+. Bloody and sleep Bolts really helped. I think I could have took him down without them if I'd have kept Utusumi up, lazy I know, but I was uhhh ahmm..tessting his acccuracy.

On another note a sad day today. The leader of my linkshell /breaklinkshell. :( It was fun to have a linkshell named after yourself. I've been good friends with a JP named Kenjikamikaze for a while now and when he left Vana'diel family he made his own LS "Zethren." At first it I thought it was a joke, but it was serious. Him and his BST buddies usually hung out there. And during JP prime you would always find atleast 2 people on. Maybe if I had spent more time with them things would have been different. I think his new LS is called Earth Crusher.

Alas, this is the last picuture.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Last night we went back to Dynamis Xarcabard to settle some old scores. Our last run there was a disaster. We lost about 30 minutes in the beginning (no second extension either) and got zero AF. Last night however everything went very well. We got the first two extensions without any wipes. We came out with some interesting pieces.

When we were fighting the BRD NM and it's HP was at like 1%. This happens.

She's right I almost did shit myself. Damn that Cherron he got me good. Wish it did drop though.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Saturday night comes around and we're back in the Arey. This time the LS NobleKnights gets claim. We don't stick around to find out how they did. I'm sure they kicked ass.

Eye of the Dragon :o

Instead of regular behemot tonight we pop a KS99(behemot). This was my first KS99 and let me say it was loads of fun. I've never faught KB before, this was a good learning experience. We did very well and took it down without any problems whatsoever. I was so proud. Congratulations to Junk on the Behemot Hide.

-Insert KS99- pics-

Meteor O_O
-insert last meteor death pic- still need to get these from laptop
Friday (June 2nd.) comes around and we are off to Fafnir. The window was in NA prime time so there were sooo many people there(maybe 150+). This was the first time I've been to Dragon's Arey. I never thought it would be such a small place.

Fafnir pops and I becuase of the lag I can bearly see him. I reposition and there's it is. Purpose LS claims. They do a good job and get the kill. Too bad they got shit drops. A. hands and Scales. Best of luck next time Jamal.

Around 3AM Behemot window is open. So after a quick nap I head on over to the Dominion. Stupid Gilsellers get claim :(

-behemot pics-
(still need to get these from Laptop)

I recently joined a a HNMLS called AngelKnight. I didn't know much about them except that my good buddies from Everlost LS, Rhadamanthas, Demir, Kensou, and Hyre were in it and that was good enough for me.

It turns out most of the members in the shell are JP. Now I am in another JP shell, VanadielFamily. Good fun and good people, but there is always the communication issue so I was a bit worried. The leader and many others seem to be good in English so I don't think there will be any communication problems. There is this one sick dude who I like already, Meija(Rhada calls him MJ to annoy him). This guy is sooo funny. I learned another useful JP word from him, Kuso(Shit). Arigatou MJ!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A little history...

I started this game back when it was released. I didn't know anything about it(I haven't played any FF games in the past either). A good friend of mine introduced me to it. We started on Bahamut server. He was a THF and I a WAR. A couple of weeks down the road he quit the game because "this wasn't like other FF games," whatever that means. I enjoyed the game.

I joined my first LS, ChoasElement. I was recruited by a good friend of mine who I still talk to today, Ziegus. I got my WAR up to 30 and decided to play ranger because I liked the whole idea of ranged weapons. RNGs were kick ass, out DDing everyone was awesome.

I made a lot of friends on Bahamut, many JPs like Huuka, Silverback, Ryubi and few others who's names I cannot remember. Huuka was my first JP friend, she was really sweet and nice. I remember she crafted me a Bee Spatha +1 as a present. I've lost contact with her though. (Note to self Look up Huuka) .

The path of Ranger wasn't that easy. I was contasntly falling behind my friends in terms of leveling because I was out farming for ranger consumables. I also picked up a little craft called Goldsmithing. I had no idea what I was in for. I finally hit 30 on ranger and got my Zamburak +1. I think I was one of the first NAs to use this beauty. With Holy Bolts, this thing was pure ownage. I picked up another craft, woodworking so I could make my own arrows/bolts. My money dwindled.

After falling behind all my friends and I got annoyed and took off from the game. Probably never to return. Ofcourse they always come back.

Seven or Eight months pass and I started to look to return to the game. I was going to go back to Bahamut, until I found out that a RL friend of mine was playing on Quetzy and I joined him with his Linkshell, Everlost. Voltorb is an awesome guy. He started me off with 50K some low lvl gear and I was off.

I started with WAR and then moved on to THF. THF was really fun, although PT invites weren't that great(they sucked). I found a little pass time while seeking for PT, fishing. It made the time go faster and I made some money in the process. Upon reaching lv53 or so due to RL events I took a break from the game for a while.

I returned in early September, 2005. Sick of the lack of PT invites I decided to play BRD. I found BRD to be really enjoying , as much as THF infact. Later on when I got to my 70s, cannon PT were and still are very fun. I love pulling and dying, lol.

I started Endgame in June 2006 and the saga begins.