JP Button(日本翻訳)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A little history...

I started this game back when it was released. I didn't know anything about it(I haven't played any FF games in the past either). A good friend of mine introduced me to it. We started on Bahamut server. He was a THF and I a WAR. A couple of weeks down the road he quit the game because "this wasn't like other FF games," whatever that means. I enjoyed the game.

I joined my first LS, ChoasElement. I was recruited by a good friend of mine who I still talk to today, Ziegus. I got my WAR up to 30 and decided to play ranger because I liked the whole idea of ranged weapons. RNGs were kick ass, out DDing everyone was awesome.

I made a lot of friends on Bahamut, many JPs like Huuka, Silverback, Ryubi and few others who's names I cannot remember. Huuka was my first JP friend, she was really sweet and nice. I remember she crafted me a Bee Spatha +1 as a present. I've lost contact with her though. (Note to self Look up Huuka) .

The path of Ranger wasn't that easy. I was contasntly falling behind my friends in terms of leveling because I was out farming for ranger consumables. I also picked up a little craft called Goldsmithing. I had no idea what I was in for. I finally hit 30 on ranger and got my Zamburak +1. I think I was one of the first NAs to use this beauty. With Holy Bolts, this thing was pure ownage. I picked up another craft, woodworking so I could make my own arrows/bolts. My money dwindled.

After falling behind all my friends and I got annoyed and took off from the game. Probably never to return. Ofcourse they always come back.

Seven or Eight months pass and I started to look to return to the game. I was going to go back to Bahamut, until I found out that a RL friend of mine was playing on Quetzy and I joined him with his Linkshell, Everlost. Voltorb is an awesome guy. He started me off with 50K some low lvl gear and I was off.

I started with WAR and then moved on to THF. THF was really fun, although PT invites weren't that great(they sucked). I found a little pass time while seeking for PT, fishing. It made the time go faster and I made some money in the process. Upon reaching lv53 or so due to RL events I took a break from the game for a while.

I returned in early September, 2005. Sick of the lack of PT invites I decided to play BRD. I found BRD to be really enjoying , as much as THF infact. Later on when I got to my 70s, cannon PT were and still are very fun. I love pulling and dying, lol.

I started Endgame in June 2006 and the saga begins.

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