JP Button(日本翻訳)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

We're Famous!

I've been progressing very well on COP. Players from my static are very skillful and competent. We've tore through all of the Three Paths BC fights.

First up were the Moblins. (1/1)

Party Setup: Zethren:BRD/WHM, Jediknight: MNK/NIN, Maxzz:NIN/WAR, Sdavtaker:THF/NIN, Zanderheizen:WHM/BLM, Dragod:BLM/WHM

This BC was not that hard. The thing about this BC is that there are 4 Moblins and 1 Bugbear. We had out THF kite the Bugbear. Our Nin took on 2 moblins, the MNK took on one and the fourth one we just bound or I kited around a bit.

Second Mithra Trackers (1/1)

Party Setup: Zethren:BRD/WHM, Jediknight: PLD/WAR, Maxzz:NIN/WAR, Sdavtaker:WHM/BLM, Zanderheizen:BLM/WHM, Dragod:BLM/WHM

Now this BC was hard. Most people do this with the SMN or BLM burn. We faught these staright up. These guys are a pain and they inflict a lot of damage when they do their Darkness skillchain. We started off with killing the BST and her Pet and then proceded to wipe. We RRed back up, recovered and killed the rest. Wiping on purpose was a great idea. It guaranteed us "starting the BC" type of situation, but with only 2 Mithras left and one Wyren.

A few things to note about this BC. Yes the Mithras and their pets are sleepable, but the Mithras themselves quickly become resistant to sleep. The pets however you can keep on sleeping over and over. Although I think they develop some resists where don't stay asleep for as long, but you can still sleep em. Oh yes and you don't have to have the pet or the dragon dead to win the BC.

Phishe getting ready for the fight(but doesn't really fight lol)

All dead!

The unMighty Snoll Tzar! (1/1)

Party Setup: Zethren:THF/DRK, Jediknight:PLD/WAR, Maxzz:WAR/NIN, Sdavtaker:WHM/BLM, Zanderheizen:RNG/WAR, Dragod:BLM/WHM

Most COP parties seem to flunk at this fight their first try. However, we did outstanding. You have 45 seconds to do 8000-9000HP worth of damage to the snoll. You can use a special salt to give you 15 seconds each. We used 2 salts, it died as I was getting ready to use the third. I found this fight to be very easy. Heck easier than the Tracker battle.

People told me over and over again that a THF is not that great for this fight. Bent on proving them wrong. A THF can be very effective for this provided. Heck in this case as effective as a WAR..YES A WAR. See for yourself.

Went in, used SATA, Soul Eater, Last Resort, Hide and popped a SATA on the TANK. During this the WHm used a salt. After he was done, the PLD popped his 2hr and started to use his salt. And we just beat him down during and after that. I didn't even get to finish using my salt. I am I sure I could have done better damage on that SATA with better gear. I couldn't find any DEX rings so I used STR and a NQ Darksteel Kukri.

I told everyone that if we go 1/1 on this fight we're going to be famous. As soon as the fight ends Sda yells, "WE'RE FAMOUS!" hahaha...

I am veyr proud of my COP team. Everyone did a great job. I hope our sucess and fame continues when we do the airship battle next week. Oh yeah, I forgot to meantion...You can't have a BC without Zander Dying now can you?

After that I did all of the CS and took pictures of some nice moments.

Poor Galka(SMN with Great Axe)), sad to loose his Moblin friends...

The inFamous CID laugh!

Some very cute Tarutaru Pics for Zylia.

Last but not least a special Thank You to Zaltana for helping be kill The Chapter 6 NMs.

Next week, Airship!

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