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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Epic Fafnir

Dragon's Arey never lets a guy down. Sometimes it is boring camping for 3+ hours. Today was not one of those days. Today was one of those zomg, lolfafnir !!111one! days.

Fafnir pops very early, I think 1st or second window(I went to change jobs). Integrails gets the claim, but one of their anxious members while trying to "DISENGAGE" presses the right button and hits enter on "CALL FOR HELP." Bad luck for Integrails. I don't think it was any kind of plot by them as they had around 18-20 people when they claimed. A silly mistake...

For a little while people where like ok WTF, lol. Many started to escape, however HNMPT(now Happy Angel) decided to stick around and kill Fafnir while it was under CFH status. Pretty stinky of them if you ask me. If I can't have it no one can mentality, blows.

It started to move around a "bit."

Very quickly the smell of death infested the Arey, SPIeeeeeeeKE FLAIL.....

One of everyone's "friend" also took a beating...That felt really good seeing him go down.

It got pretty wild, Fafnir going around munching on anyone that got in his way.

Our very own Redness decided to have his fun. Damn THFs will SA anything they can get behind on...Would have been really funny if he actually turned it and it Flailed again. (Note: He's in the back, near Fafnir's tail)

Fafnir fell and dropped a Ridill in everyone's inventory since he was under Call For Help status, so everyone got the loot...(lol I wish!)
I was annoyed with HNMPT, but they made up for it at the end when they started to make fun with the leader of GenesisUnion LS, Nightmare. Calling him RMT, that was great. (Note: I'm going to try to get that screenshot translated asap)

Even though no one got Fafnir it was still a very fun event. I am really glad it popped so early would have been so pissed if this happened the last window. We'll be camping again tomorrow so I hope we get a claim. It has been a while...
Lastly I leave you with one of my favorite Tarutarus....Norisu! Awww...Look at the wittle Samurai!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Sorry for the lack of updates...There just hasn't been much going on that warrants any interest. No claims on any HNMs, no other LS events, nada, nyet, nien, zippo...
BLM leveling has slowed down a little bit, but I made some progress.

I got to lv58 and then the other day I joined a really good PT which took me to 59. On the last mob I casted Burst Magic, but during my casting the Puk put up shadows and he absorbed it, lol. That was great...

Level 59 didn't last long though, I tried this new solo area and well...

It didn't work out as I planned...I didn't have Flood so I think that was my problem...Going to try again at another time. Oh and a Special Thanks to Deloid and Tobee on helping Neo and I with our BLM hats. Congrats buddy on your hat, mines still better though, adds a secret MA.

BLU fun

I joined up with Neo and Tobee the other day to level my low level job. I bet you all read his blog and saw everything. Let me tell you something, he is full of lies and half truths. The man is faking everything, don't believe him...I will tell you excatly and truthfully what happened that night.

First of all Neo was totally blasted that night. If there was a movie made it would be called, "Neo Gone Gay." Everyone in the party had to endure his sexual harassments. From the tarutaru humps(poor Tobee) to scaring me for life to abusing helpless Rones. This guy should be put one some kind of qcdn list. That incident sure left a bad taste in my mouth.

I was kicking ass. I even got a Chain 6. I was uber DD. What's he talking about my solo being bad, pfft. He needs to get the facts straight...

I hit lv16 very fast and Neo got lv18.

I won't lie. Sure I died a "couple" of times. I mean that happens to everyone. Death is sometimes unavoidable. A little delevel here and there never hurt anyone.

...And maybe a couple more "unconfirmed" deaths. Like I said No way near the number that Neo Claims.

I Had a blast. Too bad I won't be able to join them for a while. I decided not to start on any other low level jobs until BLM is complete atleast.

Dynamis Jeuno

Invictus hit Jueno this past Wednesday. Drops were crappy as usual with us. A TH4 and a few TH3, dunno what's up.. My Buddy Thuron got his RNG hat. Grats to him.

And whats a Dynamis without a little Zethren abuse?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Friends, here today gone tomorrow.

A couple of my friends in game(some RL who play) have recently "quit/taking a break." Some have come back!
I haven't seen Kensou in such a long time. Voltorb quit 1-2 months back. Ryukage recently, Hyre too and Redness doesn't really log on much anymore, sorry if I have forgot someone D: Many of the original Everlost LS guys.

We always have a lot of fun. I hope they come back soon especially during the Holiday break after finals.

On the flip side a some have come back like Doumoon and Meija.

Last but not least Neophytal has been having computer problems and hasn't been on in a while. He's been waiting for his computer parts to come in.

Today I got a /tell.
That is a joke, lol.
Omega #2

Had another round with Omega last Sunday. Drops weren't as good as the one before, but Homam is still Homam!

Sneakpants got one pair. The other one went to Azafaraht. Congratulations guys you earned it.

Is it just me or are players more dumber and dumber these days? I got this PT the other day with one of those "over worked" RDMs. I don't mind giving advice and helping out people with less experience and I try to do it in a nice way, but enough is enough.

We were missing a tank and after a while a ninja started to seek. Our RDM immediately got annoyed, "not him again, he's going to bitch about haste." And it continues...

Note: Usually I blur names out, but this time I won't. I'd like people to see this guy and maybe talk some sense into him if they ever talk or PT with him.
Next up we have a BLU/NIN using Sword/Club. My conversation with him when I called him out on it. People want to try new things, Fine. Sometimes I may not know all there is to know about something so I always try to keep an open mind, but this guy's logic just fails.
Please feel free to submit any funny screenshots or chats that you have. You can reach me via PM on qcdn or e-mail: I'd appreciate it and I'll gladly meantion your name. Thanks.
Super Duper Ultimate Mega BLM solo

BLM is my new favorite job now. Once I got lv50 and freeze I read up and decided to take a shot at solo. I've been spending almost all my time in Gustav Tunnel the past few days. Soloing Goblin Beastmaster's Pets.

It was a little difficult at level 50 and I'd get resists which is no problem. A simple stun and a level 1 spell took care of the leech. The main problem with not one shoting the pet was that if the Goblin did not have his back to the leech he would aggro. I think I died maybe 4-5 times getting to 51. Once I got 51 it was all smooth sailing from there with my trusty Ice Staff.

Sometimes exp PTs would come along, but not really that big of a problem. I've been raking in massive experience. I'd do like chain4-5 before they'd kill 2-3 mobs lol. About 5-8k exp/hr, depending on ring and deaths.

Much much better than the normal parties that you get around this level and not having to deal with bad players is always a plus.

I plan to solo/duo as much as possible and join parties only to really cap my skills.
Rewarding, very, very, very, rewarding!
Besieged Fun

Ever since they did the Besieged update I've come to enjoy it very much. You get these cool Besieged items like Giants drink which boosts your HP by like 800Hp or something. Same thing with MP. Plus now you get 1000exp points. SE is really doing a good job and attracting more and more people to join the defense.

I had this really fun encounter the other day with the new frog Beastmen. It has this really funny charmga which not only charms you, but turns you into a frog, lol.

The guy ran away as soon as charm wore. Bent on taking revenge, with a little flee action and I caught up to him and return the favor.

Its really funny when they fall, lol. Still, though not as funny as how Tarus drop. XD
Dynamis Valkurm Dunes
/sh Raise! Can I have it? (F-9)

With all zones booked Invictus decided to take a shot at their first COP dynamis. I don't think anyone was really prepared we just went in just for the hell of it and to do a Dynamis.

The difference between COP dynamis and regular dynamis is that there is a limit of people you can bring(36 I believe) and 18 for Dynamis Tavanzia. It also takes less time. Also you don't start out with subjobs. To unlock subjobs for Dynamis Valkurm you have to kill 3 Darters(>.<). We got our subjobs unlocked and procded to Fairy Ring(NM). There are two NMs that you have to kill to weaken the Boss. How hard could a little mushroom be? Very hard if you don't know what you are doing. He has this directional AOE which hits excatally for 1005 damage. We got owned hard!

With little time remaining we decided not to go for the Boss kill and just farm. Not really expecting any drops we got lucky and a pair of Duelist's Boots dropped.

Ofcourse my good friend Cherron lost the lot. The only way that guy ever wins any RDM AF is by default. When everyone has theirs already lol. Congratulations to Kenyan on the pair.

Come December we will go back to COP Dynamis, hopefully more prepared. I really wish to beat all the zones.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Forward The Black Mage

As you know I've been leveling Black Mage. I hit 46 last week and I stopped right there. I didn't want to level one bit until I got my Moldavite Earring. I spend the past few days in there. My first kill did not yield a drop.

Second kill I got it!

I logged for about 2 hours after that and when I came back I saw this 75ish BLM camping. Judging by his gear he looked like RMT(Edit: I later confirmed that him and his LS, TaruNation are indeed RMT). The gob pops and he claims and ofcourse links all the gobs....And just stands there...

Finally the bot's master comes back from AFK. With little HP left he tries to make a run for it lol.

He dies and I grab the mysticmaker and his buddies come along for the ride.

It is no problem. I am a Thief, I trained them away from the area and used hide to shed all hate. I reclaimed the NM, but I guess one of the gobs was still in his "area" and he did not depop.

I didn't want to waste my NPC because Neo and I were going to level our NPCs later(but the fag NEVER SHOWED). Anyway this guy can be a little tough if he gets the right spells off(i.e. -ga IIs). Without some kind of HP regen(i.e. Bloodybolts, Cure from your NPC, etc.) he can be rather hard, especially those Blaze spikes they add up to a lot of damage for THFs that can be a killer.
I did my best to control the other gob via sleep bolts, but he was a ranger and I hate ranged attacks as they eat shodws so fast. Mysticmaker got 2 big spells off on me.

I was under 100 Hp and he was at abot 10% at that point. I 2hred and I spammed Bloody bolts. Finally brought the sucker down!

Third Kill!
Thats one Moldavite earring that RMT won't be getting. XD
<-~~==COP: The End==~~->

We finally cleared The Chains of Promathia Missions. The finally BC, let me say it is one of, if not the best BC zones that I've ever seen. It takes place "above" the world. Check it out that is Qufim Island right there.

The fight with Promathia was not hard at all. You basically let Phishe and Se'dious(sp?) guy kill it and you keep them healed and survive. Promathia's 1st form is a joke.

His second form is a bit tough because he casts meteor. You still have the NPC help. They'll do all the work. Pishe is a powerhouse!!


COP is a very fun and challenging story. It is not all that difficult, but it does test your basic party mechanics. You don't need killer gear or all that good stuff to beat it, just some skill and A LOT OF TIME. If you got a good bunch of people it will be cake. I want to thank my static for such a good job and also all the people of Everlost with whom I did the first 4-5 missions with over a year ago. Here are my guys.