JP Button(日本翻訳)

Friday, July 28, 2006

This post is dedicated to my three good friend who have quit the game in the past couple of weeks. Thuron, man it was always fun to hang with you. Making jokes with you(haha, I have to say this. Remember that time when you hit the warp button when nuking during that BCNM? LMAO). You make Everlost come alive.

Tearah, you are very sweet, very kind and always helpful. Going to miss the warmth that you brought to the shell. Keichii, well you just plan suck. I've known you for a few months at the most and it has felt like I've known you for years. We connected very fast and very well. It was very fun leveling and messing around.

Glad to have friends like you. You guys are what make the game even more fun. I wish you all the best in what you do and the descsions that you make. Hope in the future you come back to the game.

Your friend,

P.S. Remember the POL viewer is free. So even if your content IDs(or whatever they arew called, the ones you pay for) are canceled you can still send messages through POL. Don't be stranger.

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