JP Button(日本翻訳)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Looks like I need to update again

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blue Pearl

The past few months have been a total change of focus and direction for me. I joined Kaizen. My previous shell, Angel Knight, I was with them for a whole year. I didn't have any problems with them or any drama or any issues like that except for the fact that we only camped on weekends and mainly did Fafnir. That was ok in the beginning I guess, but I started to want to camp more. Then many of my English friends from AK moved on to Kaizen so I felt a little 'all by myself.' I had no problems with the Japanese people in the shell. I've made some great friends there.

I've always had this mind set not to join some of the mainstream Japanese linkshells like HNMPT(Happy Angel), JDA, intergials, etc. because of all the crap and abuse they gave to NA players when they started the HNM scene. Even though these days they are more open and fair to their NA players, but I still think that some of them have a superior mentality. Even today in some JP shells NA players start out with less points than JP players and often get skipped over gear. So I made it a point to myself not to join those shells. As a NA player why should I directly support them when inside they don't have don't care or respect the NA base of players. NAs have done great things, invented new ways of fighting mobs(that Tiamat strategy that everyone uses on all servers? Yeah that was invented by a NA and from our server as a matter of fact). NAs can be just as competitive and successful if not more than Japanese linkshells.

Having said that I never experienced that type of behavior in Angel Knight and for that I truly respect that shell and especially their leader Pharanx. I never seen any unfair distribution of gil or gear or any bad comments made by members. Angel Knight was a great linkshell for me and I will always be thankful to them for giving me experience in the HNM scene. We always had a blast at camps. I cannot sing the praises of Pharanx enough. This is the kind of guy who would get TODs every week for us so we could camp on the weekends. In my one year of being in the shell I never saw him miss a single tod. Even after he got his Ebody and Ridill that motivation never decreased. I truly respect you my friend and I wish you guys all the best and I hope you get all your desired items. Call me anytime you guys need help. I will always be a Angel Knight at heart.

In Kaizen we're always doing something. Even though I think we're a little more layed back than some of the other HNM shells there is always some fuel to keep the flame burning. Before I get into the events and pictures that I've done in the past few months I just want to say thanks to all of my good friends. Without your support I don't I could ever make it this far. I am truly grateful.

Another thing I want to say is that now that I am in Kaizen my blog may be similar to Neophytal's blog in terms of events, but we all know that Songs of Vanadiel is a much better blog. Neo gets a staff skill up .3 and goes ZOMG TIME TO GO BLOG THAT!!!11, lol. We have a different writing style so the readers will get a different point of view. We have a blast all the time in everything we do. He has always been a good inspiration and a great friend.

Ok now that all of the icky stuff is out of the way. Let's jump right in to the jucy events, the real reason you're reading this, lol.

Kings and other HNMs.
My last official Fafnir kill with Angel Knight. Congrats to Sue on the E hands.

Ok on to Kaizen. This next kill was very noticeable. It was a weekday morning camp. We didn't have many players. I ran up Thuron to help kill it. We took out about 70-80% of Fafnir's HP with the primary damage coming from a RNG, WAR, and 1 BLM. Towards the end another another blm come in. I think we killed it in 40-50mins. In total there were about 10-11 people and I was dual boxing Zethren on brd and Thuron on Ranger. Overall a very exciting fight and it kept me on my toes. I'm sorry Thuron my friend I couldn't get you the title. My laptop crapped out and DCed Thuron at like 1-2% HP. Thank you Thuron for letting me use your char, it was much appreciated.

Some of our other kills that I was a part of yielded us these:-

We finally got a Ridill after what seemed like forever.

Big congrats to my good buddy Jedimind. Enjoy it.

This next Nidhogg I came so close to claiming, but Bajaratt outclaimed me. We had like 25-30 people at that camp so I was in a outside party. SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM And BAM we get it. I immediately Pop ES and Manafront for a guaranteed non interrupted sleep.

That Nid gave us a N legs which went to our bad boy THF, Cipriani.
Unable to cure myself because I was BLM/WAR I lay dead here :(

Kaizen loves turtles

Some Aspid action. Aspid is the most easiest of all the kings to fight. He is really a joke, but the problem lies with the adds that can really gang up on you. Most linkshells don't wipe to Aspid itself, but they can get overwhelmed by adds.

Our very own Yagudo went green and also we had another aspid fight which resulted in M. Feet which went to Arcien. Congrats

We haven't got many Tiamat, Khims in the past couple of months, but we've been killing Cerberus on a regular basis. Cerberus is pretty easy to fight. He may look big, but he is rather weak. There is only one big move that a linkshell needs to worry about that is "Gates of Hades", a very powerful AOE attack which also leaves a very strong 'Burn' DOT effect. If not properly stunned a couple of Gates back to back can really mess you up. If you can properly stun that then you've won 98% of the fight already.

We've had a few algols drop. Hailie and Bahamnut both got one. Last but not least The Tree man also got his. His main mission right now is to walk around on his PLD with Algol equipped and make DRKs cry. Bad Tree :|


No KB kills. We got a couple of NQs and that was about it. Its not given that much priority unless KB has a high chance of popping so usually the newer HNM linkshells snag the claims.

This is a shot of the DRG gathering. Taru taru DRGs are soo cute.

Bahamnut v2

Bahamnut v2 fight is one of my favorites events. Not only does it have some nice drops, but it is probably the best money maker group event. A run consisting of like 5 orbs can put like 1m in every one's pocket. Drops take a while to sell, but money is money :D

This was my first time doing this fight so I was really excited.

During the fight he summons all of the wyrms. They have low HP. A blm team can knock em out fast, but sometimes things like Vrtra's sleep(not a problem if you have poisons) and charm can be annoying.




Masks for everybody.

oh wait there is one more story. One day a WAR and a DRK were skilling up in the tree, trying to get their Great Axe lvls up. They noticed that Nidhogg window was in progress, but since the linkshell wasn't camping they decided to keep on skilling. The last window was coming up and the yo-yos decided to head up and get the tod.

They were standing on the ledge, everyone was buffing and one of them said "Hey Lets see if we can claim it for shits and gigles." The hume had devil horns on his head and thought that if he claimed he would run Faf or Nid up the tunnel to either the 'Tree' zone or the Malboro room. Resulting is lots of confusion and fun.

Nidhogg pops right in front of the ledge and the lucky bastards got it.

The plan of running it up the tunnel quickly backfired when Nidhogg used Draw in.

People where like what the hell is going on. It was such as blast. I think if we weren't laughing so hard maybe we could have tried to team up with someone or something like that.

Good 'ol Limbus

I love limbus. Short time spent, big rewards. Here's our recent omega/ultima kills. Note the event amount of kills. We don't simply Spam Omega like many shells, we try to keep a good balance.


We do Sea farming on a regular basis and usually have good luck with the IX mobs. Many people have gotten capes and its good experience points waiting for the Ix'drg to pop. Many people have gotten their sea capes. I can't remember everyone, but Trumpeter, Metix, Sirestiva, and many others. Congrats to them.

Jailer of Temperance is such a big headache to pop. Anyone who does sea will relate to this dumb pot.

We've been doing JOL fights on a regular basis as wekk. We've gotten a few Novios and Love Torques. People like Bowlingbum, Meastoso, Crosis and others all enjoy their new found MAB. Arcien on the latest Love Torque. Our current kill time for JOL is under an hour. Which is pretty good. Hopefully we'll be able to bring it down more in the future.
Still no luck on AV. I don't think anyone even attempts him anymore.


Many people think that Kaizen doesn't do Sky anymore. That is most untrue. We farm sky every week. You normally don't see us up there because we don't farm during prime time hours. Sky, as easy as it is, is still important and has some nice gear. People are always leveling new jobs and need god gear or other abjs that are only dropped by gods.

Straight tanking and meleeing MG. Probably easier to just nuke it, but this was fun to do.

Hi Sieryu (/°O°)/

Hanging out with the Sky Boss. Recently Rhad has taken over leading Sky. Usually Courtney does this, but lately he's been busy. Rhad has been doing a great job.

Yay, A. head for me.

Melee burn Kirins are very fun. That's pretty much all we do for our Kirin kills. Special congrats to Cipriani on HQ N Body. Trelution somehow pressed the JP button and made a HQ harness.


Salvage is a big part of our linkshell. We do it many times a week. I find it annoying sometimes. Someone needs to make a "pass items" plug-in already. Salavage is just 'cry moar' drop rates for some lv35 pieces, but the gear is very good ands thats what keeps people going.

Check out our LS forum for all of the Salvage grear that we've completed. Here is the link


There is a thread on qcdn regarding dynamis losing steam. I think Dynamis is better and worse than a few years ago. Some of the better things include many shells that run at different schedule. It is a lot more flexible now, we have EST dynamis PST dynamis, Monday to Sunday, everyday ther eis a shell running. So you're not SOL if you can't play on some days. These days most shells farm very well, so there is a lot more gear that is obtained by members and more coins for upgraders.

Some of the things that I find annoying or maybe a little unconvinent is the long hours spent there. Dynamis is no secret now and my shell and I'm sure other shells to get all the of the extentions. Spending hours and hours that can get annoying and tiring. Also ofcourse many shells doing dynamis means many people fighting for times and members.

Anyway we've been doing Northlands non stop. It has great gear and we win DL pretty much every time we attempt him.

Some highlights of gear drops. Congratulations to everybody

Assault: Nyzul Isle.

We got up to 20th floor and we've been farming that. Our first Boss kill got us Askar boots which went to Orestes. We've had problems with lamps, but after trial and error we've been able to figure them out. Also a big thank you to Phraust for his tips :D

Thuron's 1st lv75 job, but oh wait...

Very special moment for my buddy Thuron who finally hit 75. He's been playing since the start of the game(He can be lazy sometimes). We got to 75...

Then had some bad luck and died for stupid reasons lol(he woke up my slept mob and I busted his shadowbind)

Sure enough he was back to 75. Congrats big guy. We've had some great times and I hope to continue that.

Neo and I have been lvlign SAMs, but its come to a dead end recently as he doesn't have Rones PLing us anymore :( Fun times, buddy, fun times.


We've killed this guy so many times now, but still no P harpe for Sirestiva :( You'll get it one day buddy. Congrats to those who got Bandos.

Zethren's Funnies

I should just rename this section to Demir pwnage. We have another incident of Demir getting his guts ripped out. It's always fun to watch him die.

That's about it for now. Keep checking back as I am working on a new update right now. I'm already behind again.

All the best!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

In this post I will finish up the last blog entry. Enjoy


I finally finished up all of the Bastok Missions and got Rank 10. Big thanks to Celendel and everyone else that helped me complete them. I must admit Bastok story line isn't really that interesting. Nothing interesting about Emo Garkas...
By the way if you aren't Rank 10 yet I really suggest you finish up the missions, if not for the story line, at least for the gil. Rank 8 Gives you 60k, Rank 9 80k and rank 10 100k. That's a nice amount of gil this day and age.

TOAU missions and Assaults are pretty fun. I really enjoy them.

Assault has been great to me. I enjoy a very nice Static with Roadkill and Zyn and we're currently up to Chief Sergeant Rank. Just one more Rank mission to go until Second Lt.
I want to share this interesting assault rank up I did(I forget which one it was), basically you whip some newbs into shape by leading them through a bunch of exercises. Here you can see a bunch of wimp ass humes who's worlds come to an end after 10 sit ups.
This rank up is fun, but can get annoying quickly if you can't seem to win the games quickly(which I was my case).
Helped out Neo on the Shields of Diplomacy Mission. We were going to trio it, but the moron forgot that his other Character, Rones(WHM) wasn't up the same mission, therefore couldn't enter the BC. I wound up supporting him on my Bard and we did great. He is a badass monk.

After that I kinda got lazy with the missions. I'm suppose to go to the A. Subterrain for some CS, but haven't got around to doing that yet.

Alexxia's Sky

Alexxia and Demir started a new sky linkshell between friends. It didn't work out that great as we couldn't get people to commit and come to events. We did some farming and popped one god. I was hoping we would get more done, but that simply wasn't the case.

Good for skill ups, hehe.
We did one Genbu, which was pretty fun as we killed it with 4-5 people. Grats to Demir on A hands. I think we still have a Sieryu and another Genbu pop set left, hopefully we can pop those sometime.

Demir's brother and my good friend, Maku finally got his Dune boots. Grats buddy.
I picked up a Sorc. Coat in Dynamis. Later on I also got the feet. I can't wait to obtain the legs and the hands, more importantly legs.

Limbus Action

My Limbus linkshell, UU is great. We work hard and pop many Omegas and Ultimas and very rarely loose. Recently we've had great luck on Homam leg drops. Necrosis, Anderloc, Ardenbruk, Myself and Azafarht have all obtained them. They've been dropping pretty much non stop.

Anderloc always joked around about not wanting legs. "I don't care about legs, I want the Homam head" he would say. The LS chat touches on that, hehe.
And it finally happened for me as well. 4/5 Homam now. It is really funny the state of the linkshell right now. We have like 4-5 people now who are 4/5 Homam and they are all missing the head.
We try to do a balance of Ultima and Omega. We're not one of those shells who just spam Omega. I've just been lacking on some of the Ultima pictures, but we've been having good success on that as well. Congrats to everybody and a big thank you as well.
Demir go boom...
I did a few KS30 runs with a few of my friends. We did the Copycat one and Alexxia and I decided to have some fun when Demir got charmed.
You know Demir doesn't let things go unanswered. He later returned the favor.
That's about it. Next update hopefully will be a new focus of things. Take Care.